Monday, August 9, 2010

Guess who's coming to dinner?

And breakfast?  And lunch?  And midnight snacks?
With some (much appreciated!!) birthday cash, I finally felt like a grown up buying my new (long coveted) KitchenAid stand mixer (Architect Series- with a bread hook!).

It greets me each morning with a smile. 
One of these days maybe I'll actually get around to using it.

I'd love to know what your first "I'm a real grown up" purchase was?  Do tell!


Summer and Zac said...

Yay! I love my KitchenAid and use it all the time!

My first real grown-up purchase was the laptop I bought new with my own money (as opposed to the computers I got from my parents or from friends, borrowed from college roommates and boyfriends, or used at work). I bought it in 2004 and I still have it!

mimi the zookeeper - said...

mine was a bright yellow convertible fiat x/19...wound up being a crappy car but for 8 years it was the bomb! :)

Maryrose said...

My first grown up purchase was a Gucci handbag and red suit when I worked for Great Western Savings 28 years ago. I don't have the red suit, but still have my Gucci handbag! Will treasure it always....and I LOVE my red KitchenAid mixer! It has been my all time favorite kitchen tool for 13 years. Making pasta with the attachment is the best!!


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