Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday! Friday! Friday!

A shift in the weather lowered the temperature just a few degrees these last few days.
Which in turn, shifted me a few degrees.  A few LOT of degrees.

I can see the outlines of my anklebones again.
I don't feel like a sweaty hobbit around 5pm anymore.
And I've had energy to catch up on (or start) some much needed nesting projects I had hoped to finish by the end of this month.

Enjoy a few teaser photos of the kids' room we're hoping to finish this weekend.
And of course, enjoy a picture of some socks too while you are at.

I'm wishing you have an ankle viewing, less sweaty, productively wonderful, celebratory, socky kind of weekend ahead of you as well.

1 comment:

Keri said...

Amy, that is great to hear! I'm glad you are doing better. I miss you at Anthro! I was kind of worried with your last post!


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